
Voyager is my Genesis collection on the blockchain. Minted in March 2021 on Ethereum under the Rarible contract.

These pieces reflect that moment in my life where I was searching for knowledge. I was doing research on my own to learn about NFTs so that I could join the revolution.

I wanted to mint my art on the blockchain but I didn’t know how. In order to learn, I created the voyager triptych. Very minimalism pieces that display my lonely search for the light.

Voyagers Collection

Once the Voyager Triptych was released, I never looked back. I immersed myself in the NFT world and have been an active member of the community. I focused on creating art, and now I’m celebrating the 3 years of Voyager with a release of a new collection.

A collection of 600 Voyagers, all created with AI using the 3 original voyagers as model. These pieces reflect my continue search for knowledge, but this time I’m not alone. There are 600 of us going after our dreams, and in the end we will all meet.